Bioresonance Therapy
Bioresonance Therapy (BRT) is a gentle computer-modulated therapy, which helps to identify and treat the underlying causes of a disease, not only the symptoms. It is a highly effective, painfree, and non-invasive therapy without harmful side effects. Principles behind BRT Because the technique uses biophysics -the physics of the body - rather than biochemistry, there is less need for drugs and herbal remedies. The aim is to restore 'self-regulation', the body's ability to heal itself. BRT works through the body's energetic system. This is the same energetic system you may have heard about from Chinese medicine, homeopathy, yoga and martial arts. All living cells give off energy as weak electromagnetic waves similar to brain waves used in orthodox medicine (EEG scans). Bioresonance therapy uses these and those of substances (foods, bacteria, viruses) for therapy. The machine separates these waves into harmonious (healthy) and disharmonious (unhealthy) components. The healthy signals can be boosted and sent back to the body to strengthen normal functions, while the unhealthy signals are 'inverted' or turned upside down by an electronic mirror circuit before returning them to the body to reduce their negative effect on the body. What actually happens is more complicated but the 'inverted' wave cancels the harmful wave that was stressing the body's energetic system. You can see this effect at the beach where a wave reflected from a rock flattens the next incoming wave. It is the same electronic principle used in noise- cancelling headphones. Therapeutic Concepts Over the past fifty years, medical scientists have focused on finding a specific cause for each specific illness. So why, then, are many of us getting sicker and our children suffering from conditions once the domain of the elderly? As one clinical ecologist commented, unless we do something about it, many of us will be burying our children.An alternative concept used in Clinical Ecology, is that of Total Body Load. Imagine that at birth our bodies are empty barrels. Exposed to the toxins of our technological society, we load the barrel with stressors. Eventually, the barrel overflows, our defences collapse and we become ill. Whatever the illness, everyone has their unique signature of stressors and treatment is different in each case. With Bioresonance therapy we first identify these stressors: Biological - bacteria, viruses, moulds, pollens, food allergies Chemical - pesticides, metals, food additives, industrial Physical - radiation, X-rays, mobile phones, geopathy Then, the painless, drug-free treatment neutralises the stressors. As one client put it, "I felt as if I'd been walking around with a backpack full of pebbles. Each day another pebble was added. Now you've taken the backpack away!" The other major concept of Clinical Ecology is that of the Target Organ. Whatever the environmental stressor, the symptoms always appear at the same place for that individual. Take three children with a wheat allergy. One may show skin problems, the second respiratory problems, the third behavioural problems. They all have the same allergy but different target organs: skin, lungs and brain respectively. How Does BIORESONANCE Therapy Work? All cells emit weak electromagnetic waves similar to brain waves. BIORESONANCE therapy uses these plus those of substances (foods, bacteria, etc.) for therapy. It separates these waves into healthy and unhealthy components. The healthy waves are boosted and returned to the client, using an electromagnetic mat that the client lies on, to strengthen normal functions. The unhealthy waves are only returned after being inverted, thus cancelling their effect in the body. It can be thought of as electromagnetic biofeedback. With a food allergy, eliminating the unhealthy response means the client can eat the food without suffering any allergic symptoms. For a virus, however, the whole signal is cancelled and symptoms such as joint pain and chronic tiredness diminish. What Happens in Treatment Sessions In oriental medicine, people are seen as healthy when energy (called 'chi' or 'prana') is flowing freely through the body. In the first visit, we test for major energy blocks and treat these if necessary. We will press a test probe onto acupuncture points on the hands, feet and ears to make electrical measurements. The patient will feel pressure from the probe but not pain as with needles. The computer prints out the measurements to help the therapist to identify blockages. These include radiation stress and scars from surgery and accidents that may restrict energy flow along acupuncture meridians. These are treated in the first visit. For treatment, the patient lies comfortably on a massage table with a electromagnetic electrode under their back. This electrode sends the treatment, or 'output', signals from the BIORESONANCE device into the body. 'Input' signals are usually picked up from the body with metal or magnetized rubber electrodes and from tiny amounts of a body fluid such as saliva or urine. The next step is to test for what are either called 'stressors' or 'strains'. These are substances that are stressing the energetic system. In Clinical Ecology, illness is not seen as due to a single cause, such as one virus, but to the cumulative effect of several 'stressors'. In the first visit, our aim is not to find every stressor but to identify the major ones - those that are having the biggest effect on the client's health. Often treating these allows the body to handle the minor ones itself. Is it dangerous? The answer to this question is simple enough - no. As to contra-indications, they are not revealed. The matter is that any contra- indications are based on individual intolerance of medicines, or connected to any side effects of a preparation, - in fact bioresonant therapy does not offer "blind" treatment when the patient is prescribed a medicine, and then estimated if it is bearable. As the bioresonance therapy is used as a therapeutic measure, in other words, it is an influencing by small electromagnetic fluctuations, which are generated by a device; it is simply no sense to speak of side effects and individual intolerance. Testing Testing is done again using the electronic probe. This time the readings are compared with and without the suspected stressing substance in the circuit. If the reading rises with the substance in the circuit, then it is a stressor. Follow-up Sessions A typical one-hour follow-up session begins with a 'basic' therapy for energetic balancing followed by inversion of three or four stressors and finishes with a program that enhances detoxification. Each allergy typically takes three treatments, other stressors two to four. A typical course of treatment for a chronic condition would be 8 sessions. Children may require less, serious cases obviously require more visits. The number of treatments can be estimated at the first appointment. An exception is the Quit Smoking Therapy which is usually only one treatment. What can the patient do to make BIORESONANCE THERAPY more efective? During the entire period of treatment the patient needs to drink one and a half to two litres of water with a low mineral content each day. Only water with a low mineral content can eliminate the harmful substances released in the body during therapy and is therefore the ideal drink to aid detoxication. Alcohol and coffee should be avoided for at least six hours before and after each therapy session. It is recommended that no pork is eaten during the course of treatment as this exerts stress on the lymphatic system. Sugar should be avoided as far as possible, as sugar damages the intestinal bacteria and is also implicated in many disorders associated with the intestine. Reactions to treatment may include tiredness following therapy, hot flushes or chills and dizzy spells but these will usually wear off after a short time. THE INDICATIONS OF BIORESONANCE THERAPY: Strengthening of immune system; Treatment of allergies; Revealing of intolerance of stomatologic materials; Treatment of all kinds of toxics; Quit smoking . Treatment of badly healing wounds and ulcers; Treatment of diseases of cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems; Treatment of various gynecologic and urological diseases; Treatment of problems with sleeping and many other diseases and disorders. Bioresonance Therapy has been used in Europe over the last 30 years for: Peak performance Enhanced performance Rapid recovery from injuries Reduced pain and inflammation Muscle strengthening, coordination rejuvenation, relaxing Psychological preparation Performance anxiety Maintaining focus and concentration Developing intuition Recovery from exhaustion and stress Time zone and weather changes while traveling (adaptation to jet lag) Anti-aging: Improved concentration and mental functioning Improved digestion and weight management Pain reduction and anti-inflammatory support for back nerves, muscles, joints, and bones Improved oxygenation of tissues Coordination of heart and lung Stress and anxiety reduction Emotional support and positive sense of well-being Enhance one's own production of stem cells Rehabilitation after surgeries and injuries Enhancement of bone mass and healing of fractures Prevention of age-related hearing and vision loss Headaches, depression, stress-related problems Improved blood, and fluid circulation Detoxification and lymphatic drainage Addictions Hormonal balance Stimulation of immune system Promote healthy skin and reduce wrinkles Pain: Reduction of pain Support tissue healing Energy balancing Increase range of motion Self-regulation of body and emotions Prevent and alleviate muscle spasms Promote improved quality of life Anti-inflammatory nutrition pH optimization The bioresonance is a therapy, which releases an organism from the pathogenic factors blocking energy of the organism. Without side effects the bioresonance allows to reduce or completely remove medicine taking, preserves, orders and restores the breached balance of the organism. It is an alternative way when it is impossible to achieve full effect with the help of the conventional therapy, it is directed on restoration and normalization of biological processes of cellular structures and functional systems of the organism, it is perfectly combined with all other methods both classical, and traditional medicine. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (F.A.Q) 1) What conditions can the therapy be used for? The treatment can be applied for acute and chronic problems concerning the following; Allergies Food Sensitivities Digestive Tract Circulation Detoxification Respiratory Musculo-skeletal Urinary Tract Reproductive Organs Nervous & Endocrine Systems Ear, Nose & Throat Eye Problems Skin Problems Oral & Dental Problems It has been found beneficial for chronic fatigue, insect bites, disorders involving the immune mechanism, nutritional and metabolic disorders, stress and depression. Bioresonance is known to give relief from many types of pain. Please, ask the doctor for an individual consultation to address your unique situation. 2) Can therapy be used for children? The therapy is applicable for all age groups - from babies to the elderly. The therapy is non-invasive and painless, therefore causing no distress. 3) How often will I need a treatment? For any fresh injury, the treatment needs to be intensive, ideally on a daily basis. For chronic conditions, treatments are given once a week initially. 4) How many treatments will I need? A course of treatment varies from person to person depending on the underlying health of a person and it takes into account such factors as the stage of the pathological process, the person's age and the severity of the condition. 5) What does treatment feel like? Many times, no sensations are experienced during treatment. However, some patients may be aware of a slight warm or tingly feeling. 6) What about my conventional treatment? Bioresonance does not require you to stop your conventional treatment or any medication you are taking. It is important that all changes in medication are undertaken with the supervision of your doctor. 7) Are there any side effects? Bioresonance therapy is a gentle, computer-modulated, non-invasive, painless therapy with no harmful side effects. References Brüggemann, H. Bioresonance and multiresonance therapy (BRT) Will, R.D. 2003. Terapia de biorresonancia. La medicina del siglo XXI Rummel, G.L. Biorresonancia una terapia con futuro Name, M. Electroacupuntura de Voll. Keymer, M.; Will, R.; Schmedtmann, N. 2003. Terapia Bioenergética. Maasz-Daley, B., Lerch, R. Bioresonanz, Heilen ohne Medikamente Dörfler, S. Neue Lebenskraft durch Bioresonanz. Diagnose, Therapie, Lebensweise Schumacher, P. Biophysikalische Therapie der Allergien.: Erweiterte Bioresonanztherapie Schmidt, P. 2004. Bio-resonance Pitman, M. 2010. Bioresonance: fundamentals of practice Köhler, U. Manual de la Terapia de Biorresonancia. 3ª. Edición If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
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© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento - Neural therapy, Homeopathy, Ozone therapy, Carboxytherapy, Mesotherapy Avda. Juan Carlos I, nº 29, portal 5, 2ºB -- 29680, Estepona (Málaga)
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento Tel: 952 80 53 68 E-mail:
Bioresonance Therapy
Bioresonance Therapy (BRT) is a gentle computer- modulated therapy, which helps to identify and treat the underlying causes of a disease, not only the symptoms. It is a highly effective, painfree, and non-invasive therapy without harmful side effects. Principles behind BRT Because the technique uses biophysics -the physics of the body - rather than biochemistry, there is less need for drugs and herbal remedies. The aim is to restore 'self-regulation', the body's ability to heal itself. BRT works through the body's energetic system. This is the same energetic system you may have heard about from Chinese medicine, homeopathy, yoga and martial arts. All living cells give off energy as weak electromagnetic waves similar to brain waves used in orthodox medicine (EEG scans). Bioresonance therapy uses these and those of substances (foods, bacteria, viruses) for therapy. The machine separates these waves into harmonious (healthy) and disharmonious (unhealthy) components. The healthy signals can be boosted and sent back to the body to strengthen normal functions, while the unhealthy signals are 'inverted' or turned upside down by an electronic mirror circuit before returning them to the body to reduce their negative effect on the body. What actually happens is more complicated but the 'inverted' wave cancels the harmful wave that was stressing the body's energetic system. You can see this effect at the beach where a wave reflected from a rock flattens the next incoming wave. It is the same electronic principle used in noise- cancelling headphones. Therapeutic Concepts Over the past fifty years, medical scientists have focused on finding a specific cause for each specific illness. So why, then, are many of us getting sicker and our children suffering from conditions once the domain of the elderly? As one clinical ecologist commented, unless we do something about it, many of us will be burying our children.An alternative concept used in Clinical Ecology, is that of Total Body Load. Imagine that at birth our bodies are empty barrels. Exposed to the toxins of our technological society, we load the barrel with stressors. Eventually, the barrel overflows, our defences collapse and we become ill. Whatever the illness, everyone has their unique signature of stressors and treatment is different in each case. With Bioresonance therapy we first identify these stressors: Biological - bacteria, viruses, moulds, pollens, food allergies Chemical - pesticides, metals, food additives, industrial Physical - radiation, X-rays, mobile phones, geopathy Then, the painless, drug-free treatment neutralises the stressors. As one client put it, "I felt as if I'd been walking around with a backpack full of pebbles. Each day another pebble was added. Now you've taken the backpack away!" The other major concept of Clinical Ecology is that of the Target Organ. Whatever the environmental stressor, the symptoms always appear at the same place for that individual. Take three children with a wheat allergy. One may show skin problems, the second respiratory problems, the third behavioural problems. They all have the same allergy but different target organs: skin, lungs and brain respectively. How Does BIORESONANCE Therapy Work? All cells emit weak electromagnetic waves similar to brain waves. BIORESONANCE therapy uses these plus those of substances (foods, bacteria, etc.) for therapy. It separates these waves into healthy and unhealthy components. The healthy waves are boosted and returned to the client, using an electromagnetic mat that the client lies on, to strengthen normal functions. The unhealthy waves are only returned after being inverted, thus cancelling their effect in the body. It can be thought of as electromagnetic biofeedback. With a food allergy, eliminating the unhealthy response means the client can eat the food without suffering any allergic symptoms. For a virus, however, the whole signal is cancelled and symptoms such as joint pain and chronic tiredness diminish. What Happens in Treatment Sessions In oriental medicine, people are seen as healthy when energy (called 'chi' or 'prana') is flowing freely through the body. In the first visit, we test for major energy blocks and treat these if necessary. We will press a test probe onto acupuncture points on the hands, feet and ears to make electrical measurements. The patient will feel pressure from the probe but not pain as with needles. The computer prints out the measurements to help the therapist to identify blockages. These include radiation stress and scars from surgery and accidents that may restrict energy flow along acupuncture meridians. These are treated in the first visit. For treatment, the patient lies comfortably on a massage table with a electromagnetic electrode under their back. This electrode sends the treatment, or 'output', signals from the BIORESONANCE device into the body. 'Input' signals are usually picked up from the body with metal or magnetized rubber electrodes and from tiny amounts of a body fluid such as saliva or urine. The next step is to test for what are either called 'stressors' or 'strains'. These are substances that are stressing the energetic system. In Clinical Ecology, illness is not seen as due to a single cause, such as one virus, but to the cumulative effect of several 'stressors'. In the first visit, our aim is not to find every stressor but to identify the major ones - those that are having the biggest effect on the client's health. Often treating these allows the body to handle the minor ones itself. Is it dangerous? The answer to this question is simple enough - no. As to contra- indications, they are not revealed. The matter is that any contra- indications are based on individual intolerance of medicines, or connected to any side effects of a preparation, - in fact bioresonant therapy does not offer "blind" treatment when the patient is prescribed a medicine, and then estimated if it is bearable. As the bioresonance therapy is used as a therapeutic measure, in other words, it is an influencing by small electromagnetic fluctuations, which are generated by a device; it is simply no sense to speak of side effects and individual intolerance. Testing Testing is done again using the electronic probe. This time the readings are compared with and without the suspected stressing substance in the circuit. If the reading rises with the substance in the circuit, then it is a stressor. Follow-up Sessions A typical one-hour follow-up session begins with a 'basic' therapy for energetic balancing followed by inversion of three or four stressors and finishes with a program that enhances detoxification. Each allergy typically takes three treatments, other stressors two to four. A typical course of treatment for a chronic condition would be 8 sessions. Children may require less, serious cases obviously require more visits. The number of treatments can be estimated at the first appointment. An exception is the Quit Smoking Therapy which is usually only one treatment. What can the patient do to make BIORESONANCE THERAPY more efective? During the entire period of treatment the patient needs to drink one and a half to two litres of water with a low mineral content each day. Only water with a low mineral content can eliminate the harmful substances released in the body during therapy and is therefore the ideal drink to aid detoxication. Alcohol and coffee should be avoided for at least six hours before and after each therapy session. It is recommended that no pork is eaten during the course of treatment as this exerts stress on the lymphatic system. Sugar should be avoided as far as possible, as sugar damages the intestinal bacteria and is also implicated in many disorders associated with the intestine. Reactions to treatment may include tiredness following therapy, hot flushes or chills and dizzy spells but these will usually wear off after a short time. THE INDICATIONS OF BIORESONANCE THERAPY: Strengthening of immune system; Treatment of allergies; Revealing of intolerance of stomatologic materials; Treatment of all kinds of toxics; Quit smoking . Treatment of badly healing wounds and ulcers; Treatment of diseases of cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems; Treatment of various gynecologic and urological diseases; Treatment of problems with sleeping and many other diseases and disorders. Bioresonance   Therapy   has   been   used   in   Europe   over   the last 30 years for: Peak performance Enhanced performance Rapid recovery from injuries Reduced pain and inflammation Muscle strengthening, coordination rejuvenation, relaxing Psychological preparation Performance anxiety Maintaining focus and concentration Developing intuition Recovery from exhaustion and stress Time zone and weather changes while traveling (adaptation to jet lag) Anti-aging: Improved concentration and mental functioning Improved digestion and weight management Pain reduction and anti-inflammatory support for back nerves, muscles, joints, and bones Improved oxygenation of tissues Coordination of heart and lung Stress and anxiety reduction Emotional support and positive sense of well-being Enhance one's own production of stem cells Rehabilitation after surgeries and injuries Enhancement of bone mass and healing of fractures Prevention of age-related hearing and vision loss Headaches, depression, stress-related problems Improved blood, and fluid circulation Detoxification and lymphatic drainage Addictions Hormonal balance Stimulation of immune system Promote healthy skin and reduce wrinkles Pain: Reduction of pain Support tissue healing Energy balancing Increase range of motion Self-regulation of body and emotions Prevent and alleviate muscle spasms Promote improved quality of life Anti-inflammatory nutrition pH optimization The bioresonance is a therapy, which releases an organism from the pathogenic factors blocking energy of the organism. Without side effects the bioresonance allows to reduce or completely remove medicine taking, preserves, orders and restores the breached balance of the organism. It is an alternative way when it is impossible to achieve full effect with the help of the conventional therapy, it is directed on restoration and normalization of biological processes of cellular structures and functional systems of the organism, it is perfectly combined with all other methods both classical, and traditional medicine. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (F.A.Q) 1) What conditions can the therapy be used for? The treatment can be applied for acute and chronic problems concerning the following; Allergies Food Sensitivities Digestive Tract Circulation Detoxification Respiratory Musculo-skeletal Urinary Tract Reproductive Organs Nervous & Endocrine Systems Ear, Nose & Throat Eye Problems Skin Problems Oral & Dental Problems I t has been found beneficial for chronic fatigue, insect bites, disorders involving the immune mechanism, nutritional and metabolic disorders, stress and depression. Bioresonance is known to give relief from many types of pain. Please, ask the doctor for an individual consultation to address your unique situation. 2) Can therapy be used for children? The therapy is applicable for all age groups - from babies to the elderly. The therapy is non-invasive and painless, therefore causing no distress. 3) How often will I need a treatment? For any fresh injury, the treatment needs to be intensive, ideally on a daily basis. For chronic conditions, treatments are given once a week initially. 4) How many treatments will I need? A course of treatment varies from person to person depending on the underlying health of a person and it takes into account such factors as the stage of the pathological process, the person's age and the severity of the condition. 5) What does treatment feel lik e? Many times, no sensations are experienced during treatment. However, some patients may be aware of a slight warm or tingly feeling. 6) What about my conventional treatment? Bioresonance does not require you to stop your conventional treatment or any medication you are taking. It is important that all changes in medication are undertaken with the supervision of your doctor. 7) Are there any side effects? Bioresonance therapy is a gentle, computer-modulated, non- invasive, painless therapy with no harmful side effects. References Brüggemann, H. Bioresonance and multiresonance therapy (BRT) Will, R.D. 2003. Terapia de biorresonancia. La medicina del siglo XXI Rummel, G.L. Biorresonancia una terapia con futuro Name, M. Electroacupuntura de Voll. Keymer, M.; Will, R.; Schmedtmann, N. 2003. Terapia Bioenergética. Maasz-Daley, B., Lerch, R. Bioresonanz, Heilen ohne Medikamente Dörfler, S. Neue Lebenskraft durch Bioresonanz. Diagnose, Therapie, Lebensweise Schumacher, P. Biophysikalische Therapie der Allergien.: Erweiterte Bioresonanztherapie Schmidt, P. 2004. Bio-resonance Pitman, M. 2010. Bioresonance: fundamentals of practice Köhler, U. Manual de la Terapia de Biorresonancia. 3ª. Edición If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
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