You would like to stop smoking, But…" You don't have the willpower to attempt it?" You are afraid you won't be able to do it or will lapse back into old habits?" You are afraid of putting on weight?" You have already tried unsuccessfully a number of times? It is worth quitting smoking whatever your age: Thehumanbodyhasgreatregenerativepowerswhichbecomeallthemoreeffectiveonceyoustopsmoking.Theriskscausedby smokingdecrease,illnessesbecomelessacuteinmanycasesandyourfitnesslevelsandgeneralstateofhealthwillimprovewithina short space of time. Your skin will appear much fresher ...... and - you will save a great deal of money.Thismethodisabsolutelypainless,andithasnocontraindicationsorsideeffects.Itcanbeusedonapregnantwomanorsomeonewho has suffered from coronary illness. The first test with treatment takes approx. 60 minutes, each further treatment between 30 and 45 minutes. Smoke your last cigarette!!!.. For a successful treatment is important you really want to quit smoking!Youwillneedfourtofivetreatmentstoquitsmokingandyoushouldtakenaturalsupplementsduetothehighnumberoffreeradicals you have got while you have been smoking. What can we gain by giving up smoking? Giving up does produce results. As soon as you give up smoking, your body will start to heal.Givingupsmokingisbyfarthemostefficientwayforsmokerstoimprovethequalityandthelengthoftheirlife.Allsmokers–menand women,youngandold,thoseingoodhealthorthosealreadysufferingfromasmoking-relatedillness–cangainfromtheadvantages for their health of kicking the habit.Ex-smokerslivelongerthanthosewhohaven’tgivenup.Forthosepeoplewhogiveupbeforereaching50,theriskofdyinginthe subsequent 15 years is half that of those who continue to smoke.Giving up does produce results. As soon as you give up smoking, your body will start to heal.Here is a rundown of what happens after you’ve smoked the last cigarette:After 20 minutes: Arterial pressure and the pulse return to normal. Body temperature increases to its normal rate.After 8 hours: The carbon monoxide level in the blood decreases and the level of oxygen increases to its normal rate.After 24 hours: The danger of a heart attack is reduced.After 48 hours: Food tastes and smells better.Betweentwoweeksandninemonthsafter:Thecoughing,congestion,tirednessandbreathlessnessarereduced.Thegeneral energy level increases.After 1 year: The danger of suffering a heart attack is now half of that for a smoker.Betweenfiveyearsand10to15yearslater:Thedangerofdevelopinglungcancerreducesbynearlyhalf.Thedangerofdyingis the same as that for a person who has never smoked.* The time varies according to how long and how intensively you have smoked.Ifyouwouldlikeadditionalinformationregardingourservicesortorequestanappointment,youcancontactusbyphone (952 80 53 68) or by email.
You would like to stop smoking, But…" You don't have the willpower to attempt it?" You are afraid you won't be able to do it or will lapse back into old habits?" You are afraid of putting on weight?" You have already tried unsuccessfully a number of times? It is worth quitting smoking whatever your age: Thehumanbodyhasgreatregenerativepowerswhichbecomeall themoreeffectiveonceyoustopsmoking.Theriskscausedby smokingdecrease,illnessesbecomelessacuteinmanycasesand yourfitnesslevelsandgeneralstateofhealthwillimprovewithina shortspaceoftime.Yourskinwillappearmuchfresher......and-you will save a great deal of money.Thismethodisabsolutelypainless,andithasnocontraindicationsor sideeffects.Itcanbeusedonapregnantwomanorsomeonewho has suffered from coronary illness. Thefirsttestwithtreatmenttakesapprox.60minutes,eachfurther treatment between 30 and 45 minutes. Smokeyourlastcigarette!!!..Forasuccessfultreatmentis important you really want to quit smoking!Youwillneedfourtofivetreatmentstoquitsmokingandyoushould takenaturalsupplementsduetothehighnumberoffreeradicals you have got while you have been smoking.
What can we gain by giving up smoking? Givingupdoesproduceresults.Assoonasyougiveupsmoking, your body will start to heal.Givingupsmokingisbyfarthemostefficientwayforsmokersto improvethequalityandthelengthoftheirlife.Allsmokers–men andwomen,youngandold,thoseingoodhealthorthosealready sufferingfromasmoking-relatedillness–cangainfromthe advantages for their health of kicking the habit.Ex-smokerslivelongerthanthosewhohaven’tgivenup.Forthose peoplewhogiveupbeforereaching50,theriskofdyinginthe subsequent 15 years is half that of those who continue to smoke.Givingupdoesproduceresults.Assoonasyougiveupsmoking, your body will start to heal.Hereisarundownofwhathappensafteryou’ve smoked the last cigarette:After20minutes:Arterialpressureandthepulsereturnto normal. Body temperature increases to its normal rate.After8hours:Thecarbonmonoxidelevelintheblood decreases and the level of oxygen increases to its normal rate.After 24 hours: The danger of a heart attack is reduced.After 48 hours: Food tastes and smells better.Betweentwoweeksandninemonthsafter:Thecoughing, congestion,tirednessandbreathlessnessarereduced.Thegeneral energy level increases.After1year:Thedangerofsufferingaheartattackisnowhalf of that for a smoker.Betweenfiveyearsand10to15yearslater:Thedangerof developinglungcancerreducesbynearlyhalf.Thedangerofdying is the same as that for a person who has never smoked.*Thetimevariesaccordingtohowlongandhowintensively you have smoked.Ifyouwouldlikeadditionalinformationregardingourservices ortorequestanappointment,youcancontactusbyphone (952 80 53 68) or by email.