Biorresonance Testing
Bioresonance works through the body's energetic system. Whatever the illness, everyone has their unique signature of stressors and treatment is different in each case. With Bioresonance therapy we first identify these stressors: Biological - bacteria, viruses, moulds, pollens, food allergies Chemical - pesticides, metals, food additives, industrial Physical - radiation, X-rays, mobile phones, geopathy In the first visit, we test for major energy blocks and treat these if necessary. We will press a test probe onto acupuncture points on the hands, feet and ears to make electrical measurements. The patient will feel pressure from the probe but not pain as with needles. The computer prints out the measurements to help the therapist to identify blockages. These include radiation stress and scars from surgery and accidents that may restrict energy flow along acupuncture meridians. These are treated in the first visit. For treatment, the patient lies comfortably on a massage table with a electromagnetic electrode under their back. This electrode sends the treatment, or 'output', signals from the BIORESONANCE device into the body. 'Input' signals are usually picked up from the body with metal or magnetized rubber electrodes and from tiny amounts of a body fluid such as saliva or urine. The next step is to test for what are either called 'stressors' or 'strains'. These are substances that are stressing the energetic system. In Clinical Ecology, illness is not seen as due to a single cause, such as one virus, but to the cumulative effect of several 'stressors'. In the first visit, our aim is not to find every stressor but to identify the major ones - those that are having the biggest effect on the client's health. Often treating these allows the body to handle the minor ones itself. Testing Testing is done again using the electronic probe. This time the readings are compared with and without the suspected stressing substance in the circuit. If the reading rises with the substance in the circuit, then it is a stressor. The great advantages of Bioresonance Testing include: • Non-invasive, therefore no side effects Ability to pinpoint exact information concerning the state of internal organs and pernicious factors lodged in them, including many organs and tissues normally inaccessible to diagnostic investigation except under conditions of autopsy (i.e., post-mortem examination) If you would like additional information regarding this technique, please, read our Treatment's Section: " Bioresonance Therapy  ". If you want to request an appointment you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
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© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento - Neural therapy, Homeopathy, Ozone therapy, Carboxytherapy, Mesotherapy Avda. Juan Carlos I, nº 29, portal 5, 2ºB -- 29680, Estepona (Málaga)
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento Tel: 952 80 53 68 E-mail:
Biorresonance Testing
Bioresonance works through the body's energetic system. Whatever the illness, everyone has their unique signature of stressors and treatment is different in each case. With Bioresonance therapy we first identify these stressors: Biological - bacteria, viruses, moulds, pollens, food allergies Chemical - pesticides, metals, food additives, industrial Physical - radiation, X-rays, mobile phones, geopathy In the first visit, we test for major energy blocks and treat these if necessary. We will press a test probe onto acupuncture points on the hands, feet and ears to make electrical measurements. The patient will feel pressure from the probe but not pain as with needles. The computer prints out the measurements to help the therapist to identify blockages. These include radiation stress and scars from surgery and accidents that may restrict energy flow along acupuncture meridians. These are treated in the first visit. For treatment, the patient lies comfortably on a massage table with a electromagnetic electrode under their back. This electrode sends the treatment, or 'output', signals from the BIORESONANCE device into the body. 'Input' signals are usually picked up from the body with metal or magnetized rubber electrodes and from tiny amounts of a body fluid such as saliva or urine. The next step is to test for what are either called 'stressors' or 'strains'. These are substances that are stressing the energetic system. In Clinical Ecology, illness is not seen as due to a single cause, such as one virus, but to the cumulative effect of several 'stressors'. In the first visit, our aim is not to find every stressor but to identify the major ones - those that are having the biggest effect on the client's health. Often treating these allows the body to handle the minor ones itself. Testing Testing is done again using the electronic probe. This time the readings are compared with and without the suspected stressing substance in the circuit. If the reading rises with the substance in the circuit, then it is a stressor. The great advantages of Bioresonance Testing include: • Non-invasive, therefore no side effects Ability to pinpoint exact information concerning the state of internal organs and pernicious factors lodged in them, including many organs and tissues normally inaccessible to diagnostic investigation except under conditions of autopsy (i.e., post-mortem examination) If you would like additional information regarding this technique, please, read our Treatment's Section: " Bioresonance Therapy  ". If you want to request an appointment you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
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