Cold laser therapy also known as low level laser is non-invasive, safe and effective treatment. Laser light is used to reduce pain, promote healing and soft tissue repair. Within a specific wavelength of light, bio-stimulation can be achieved. The treatment is performed with a laser device that uses a combination of 808nm and 650nm lasers. The main use of the equipment is to stimulate blood circulation, decrease inflammation, repair, heal and soothe pain. There are no side effects with laser therapy. It is not an invasive process, it only favors a series of physiological and biochemical changes, such as the anti-inflammatory and analgesic process or the closure of wounds. This device can be combined with traditional Chinese acupuncture. The daily accumulative time of treatment shall not exceed 40 minutes. If you would like additional information regarding this technique, or you want to request an appointment you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento - Neural therapy, Homeopathy, Ozone therapy, Carboxytherapy, Mesotherapy Avda. Juan Carlos I, nº 29, portal 5, 2ºB -- 29680, Estepona (Málaga)
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento Tel: 952 80 53 68 E-mail:
Medical Low Level Laser Therapy
Cold laser therapy also known as low level laser is non-invasive, safe and effective treatment. Laser light is used to reduce pain, promote healing and soft tissue repair. Within a specific wavelength of light, bio-stimulation can be achieved. The treatment is performed with a laser device that uses a combination of 808nm and 650nm lasers. The main use of the equipment is to stimulate blood circulation, decrease inflammation, repair, heal and soothe pain. There are no side effects with laser therapy. It is not an invasive process, it only favors a series of physiological and biochemical changes, such as the anti-inflammatory and analgesic process or the closure of wounds. This device can be combined with traditional Chinese acupuncture. The daily accumulative time of treatment shall not exceed 40 minutes. If you would like additional information regarding this technique, or you want to request an appointment you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .