Neural Therapy
Neural Therapy is one of the most advanced and effective of all holistic healing modalities! The part of the nervous system that regulates every function in our body is called the autonomic nervous system , a fine network that connects every cell. Neural therapy is the study of how this system works and what interferes with its normal, regulating and balancing function. Infections, toxins, scars and trauma can all impact and upset the body's balance. Neural therapy is a regulatory therapy which uses precise injections that they don't only have therapeutic purposes. A precise and momentary interruption of irritated or painful structures also allows a precise diagnosis , e.g. painful contractions of the muscles (trigger-points), nerves, blocked joints, etc. This treatment uses primarily the auto regulatory mechanism of the autonomic nervous system. Pain and irritations can originate from and be maintained by a certain part of the autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system. In such a case repeated neural therapeutic treatment and interruption of the "vicious circle" of pain and irritation is efficient. Neural Therapy is a gentle, healing technique that involves the injection of local anesthetics into or around autonomic ganglia, organs, peripheral nerves, scars, glands, trigger points, specific points in the skin, and other tissues. It is based on 'the theory that any trauma, infection, or surgery can produce long-standing disturbances in the electrochemical or electromagnetic function of tissues. A correctly applied Neural Therapy injection can often instantly and permanently resolve chronic long-standing illness and chronic-pain. Your medical doctor , specialist in neural therapy, injects a neural therapeutic anaesthetic substance into very specific points of your body. It is of primary importance to choose the right place for injections, since the neural therapeutic unfolds its first effect in the area of injection. Neural Therapy is contraindicated in the following: bradycardia (slow heart rate), heart blockages, atrial fibrillation, taking anticoagulants or blood coagulation disorders (patients taking medications that interfere with coagulation like aspirin or ibuprofen, have an increased risk of bruising and bleeding) , acute kidney and liver failure, myasthenia gravis, hereditary diseases, psychiatric disorders, advanced infectious diseases. Conditions likely to be caused by an interference field: The autonomic nervous system is that part of the nervous system that regulates the body's automatic functions. It helps control, for example, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, bowel movements, urination, sexual function, menstruation, perspiration, and skin temperature. Any symptom related to these functions, such as palpitations, indigestion, constipation, or cold hands, may have an interference field as all or part of the cause. Chronic pain, especially migraine, often has an autonomic component, e.g., nausea and sweating. One should think of an interference field if sciatica, or any other leg pain, or distant referral pain is accompanied by coldness or change in skin colour. The chronicity of the complaint in response to a surgery or infection is also an indicator of an interference field. If a chronic pain or condition started within several months of dental work, or other procedure, and there was not any obvious inciting event, then think interference field. It is quite common for us to hear the complaint, "I did not do anything to my back-it just started hurting." Hear those words, think of an interference field. What Conditions Can Be Treated With Neural Therapy? The following list is a summary of disorders in which Neural Therapy has been found particularly successful. Many people have difficulty in accepting that a single product should be capable of offering relief in such a large number of disorders but in fact what we are looking for here is not a remedy at all, but the effect of a product upon the ability of the body to restore itself to health. This is why the injection site is so crucial, for we must activate the body's innate curative powers and help it affect a cure at the point where the disorder is transmitted and controlled. Headache Vertigo Partial Deafness Hay Fever Sinusitis Severe Nervousness Enlargement of Thyroid Tonsillitis Whiplash Syndrome Bronchial or Cardiac Asthma Inflammatory responses Liver and Gallbladder Disease Cardiac Neurosis Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers Menstrual Pain Vaginal Discharge Joint and Muscular Rheumatism Arthritis Skin Diseases All forms of Neuralgia Acute and chronic pain Sport injuries* Allergies Etc... * In regards to sport injuries, Neural Therapy is especially good at helping recovery. Swelling is diminished quite rapidly with segmental therapy. It is a much better approach than taking medications, because Neural Therapy assists the whole body to heal. If the swelling or pain after a sporting injury is severe, Neural Therapy to the area can be done daily until function is returned. Most commonly, segmental therapy is done weekly until the athlete makes a full recovery. References Richard, P.; Pelz, G.; Von Winter, E. Aspectos actuales en Neuralterapia Huneke, F. El Fenómeno en segundos. Nissnick, M. La Terapia Neural en Odontología Dosch, P. 1997. Wissenswertes zur Neuraltherapie nach Huneke. Georg Thieme Verlag Dosch, M. 2003. Atlas of neural therapy with local anesthetics. Thieme Dosch, P., Dosch, J., Dosch, M. 2007. Manual of Neural Therapy According to Huneke. Thieme Barop, H. 1996. Lehrbuch und Atlas Neuraltherapie nach Huneke. Georg Thieme Verlag Barop, H. Taschenatlas der Neuraltherapie nach Huneke. 2006. Georg Thieme Verlag Badtke, G. 1998. Neuraltherapie: Lehrbuch und Atlas. Ullstein Medical Fischer, L. 2001. Neuraltherapie nach Huneke: Grundlagen, Technik, praktische Anwendungen. Hippokrates-Verl. Fischer, L. 2007. Neuraltherapie nach Huneke: Neurophysiologie, Injektionstechnik und Therapievorschläge. Georg Thieme Verlag Weber, K.G. 2004. Neuraltherapie in der Praxis: klinische Symptomatik und therapeutisches Vorgehen. Georg Thieme Verlag Weinschenk, S. 2010. Handbuch Neuraltherapie: Diagnostik und Therapie mit Lokalanästhetika. Elsevier, Urban & Fischer Verlag Kidd, R. 2005. Neural Therapy: Applied Neurophysiology and Other Topics. General Store Publishing House If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · medico especialista neuralterapia, neuralterapeuta, fenomeno Huneke, Sistema Nervioso Vegetativo, proceso infeccioso, inflamatorio, traumatismo, cicatriz, afección odontológica, campo interferencia, procaina, dolor, enfermedad, centro medicina natural y a medico especialista neuralterapia, neuralterapeuta, fenomeno Huneke, Sistema Nervioso Vegetativo, proceso infeccioso, inflamatorio, traumatismo, cicatriz, afección odontológica, campo interferencia, procaina, dolor, enfermedad, centro medicina natural y a
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento - Neural therapy, Homeopathy, Ozone therapy, Carboxytherapy, Mesotherapy Avda. Juan Carlos I, nº 29, portal 5, 2ºB -- 29680, Estepona (Málaga)
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento Tel: 952 80 53 68 E-mail:
Neural Therapy
Neural Therapy is one of the most advanced and effective of all holistic healing modalities! The part of the nervous system that regulates every function in our body is called the autonomic nervous system , a fine network that connects every cell. Neural therapy is the study of how this system works and what interferes with its normal, regulating and balancing function. Infections, toxins, scars and trauma can all impact and upset the body's balance. Neural therapy is a regulatory therapy which uses precise injections that they don't only have therapeutic purposes. A precise and momentary interruption of irritated or painful structures also allows a precise diagnosis , e.g. painful contractions of the muscles (trigger- points), nerves, blocked joints, etc. This treatment uses primarily the auto regulatory mechanism of the autonomic nervous system. Pain and irritations can originate from and be maintained by a certain part of the autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system. In such a case repeated neural therapeutic treatment and interruption of the "vicious circle" of pain and irritation is efficient. Neural Therapy is a gentle, healing technique that involves the injection of local anesthetics into or around autonomic ganglia, organs, peripheral nerves, scars, glands, trigger points, specific points in the skin, and other tissues. It is based on 'the theory that any trauma, infection, or surgery can produce long-standing disturbances in the electrochemical or electromagnetic function of tissues. A correctly applied Neural Therapy injection can often instantly and permanently resolve chronic long-standing illness and chronic-pain. Your medical doctor , specialist in neural therapy, injects a neural therapeutic anaesthetic substance into very specific points of your body. It is of primary importance to choose the right place for injections, since the neural therapeutic unfolds its first effect in the area of injection. Neural Therapy is contraindicated in the following: bradycardia (slow heart rate), heart blockages, atrial fibrillation, taking anticoagulants or blood coagulation disorders (patients taking medications that interfere with coagulation like aspirin or ibuprofen, have an increased risk of bruising and bleeding) , acute kidney and liver failure, myasthenia gravis, hereditary diseases, psychiatric disorders, advanced infectious diseases. Conditions likely to be caused by an interference field: The autonomic nervous system is that part of the nervous system that regulates the body's automatic functions. It helps control, for example, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, bowel movements, urination, sexual function, menstruation, perspiration, and skin temperature. Any symptom related to these functions, such as palpitations, indigestion, constipation, or cold hands, may have an interference field as all or part of the cause. Chronic pain, especially migraine, often has an autonomic component, e.g., nausea and sweating. One should think of an interference field if sciatica, or any other leg pain, or distant referral pain is accompanied by coldness or change in skin colour. The chronicity of the complaint in response to a surgery or infection is also an indicator of an interference field. If a chronic pain or condition started within several months of dental work, or other procedure, and there was not any obvious inciting event, then think interference field. It is quite common for us to hear the complaint, "I did not do anything to my back-it just started hurting." Hear those words, think of an interference field. What Conditions Can Be Treated With Neural Therapy? The following list is a summary of disorders in which Neural Therapy has been found particularly successful. Many people have difficulty in accepting that a single product should be capable of offering relief in such a large number of disorders but in fact what we are looking for here is not a remedy at all, but the effect of a product upon the ability of the body to restore itself to health. This is why the injection site is so crucial, for we must activate the body's innate curative powers and help it affect a cure at the point where the disorder is transmitted and controlled. Headache Vertigo Partial Deafness Hay Fever Sinusitis Severe Nervousness Enlargement of Thyroid Tonsillitis Whiplash Syndrome Bronchial or Cardiac Asthma Inflammatory responses Liver and Gallbladder Disease Cardiac Neurosis Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers Menstrual Pain Vaginal Discharge Joint and Muscular Rheumatism Arthritis Skin Diseases All forms of Neuralgia Acute and chronic pain Sport injuries* Allergies Etc... * In regards to sport injuries, Neural Therapy is especially good at helping recovery. Swelling is diminished quite rapidly with segmental therapy. It is a much better approach than taking medications, because Neural Therapy assists the whole body to heal. If the swelling or pain after a sporting injury is severe, Neural Therapy to the area can be done daily until function is returned. Most commonly, segmental therapy is done weekly until the athlete makes a full recovery. References Richard, P.; Pelz, G.; Von Winter, E. Aspectos actuales en Neuralterapia Huneke, F. El Fenómeno en segundos. Nissnick, M. La Terapia Neural en Odontología Dosch, P. 1997. Wissenswertes zur Neuraltherapie nach Huneke. Georg Thieme Verlag Dosch, M. 2003. Atlas of neural therapy with local anesthetics. Thieme Dosch, P., Dosch, J., Dosch, M. 2007. Manual of Neural Therapy According to Huneke. Thieme Barop, H. 1996. Lehrbuch und Atlas Neuraltherapie nach Huneke. Georg Thieme Verlag Barop, H. Taschenatlas der Neuraltherapie nach Huneke. 2006. Georg Thieme Verlag Badtke, G. 1998. Neuraltherapie: Lehrbuch und Atlas. Ullstein Medical Fischer, L. 2001. Neuraltherapie nach Huneke: Grundlagen, Technik, praktische Anwendungen. Hippokrates-Verl. Fischer, L. 2007. Neuraltherapie nach Huneke: Neurophysiologie, Injektionstechnik und Therapievorschläge. Georg Thieme Verlag Weber, K.G. 2004. Neuraltherapie in der Praxis: klinische Symptomatik und therapeutisches Vorgehen. Georg Thieme Verlag Weinschenk, S. 2010. Handbuch Neuraltherapie: Diagnostik und Therapie mit Lokalanästhetika. Elsevier, Urban & Fischer Verlag Kidd, R. 2005. Neural Therapy: Applied Neurophysiology and Other Topics. General Store Publishing House If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · medico especialista neuralterapia, neuralterapeuta, fenomeno Huneke, Sistema Nervioso Vegetativo, proceso infeccioso, inflamatorio, traumatismo, cicatriz, afección odontológica, campo interferencia, procaina, dolor, enfermedad, centro medicina natural y a medico especialista neuralterapia, neuralterapeuta, fenomeno Huneke, Sistema Nervioso Vegetativo, proceso infeccioso, inflamatorio, traumatismo, cicatriz, afección odontológica, campo interferencia, procaina, dolor, enfermedad, centro medicina natural y a