Medical indications Improve or restore microcirculation function when damaged. Chronic venous insufficiency, chronic veno-lymphatic insufficiency, venous ulcers. Peripheral arteriopathies, microangiopathies, arterial vascular pathologies Improves venous insufficiency and varicose veins an spider veins Psoriasis Skin ulcers, arterial diseases associated with diabetes, gangrenous toes, and artherosclerosis obliterans, Raynauds syndrome Erectile dysfunction due to vascular disorders Rheumatism (acute or chronic). Pain due to acute arthritis and sports medicine, arthrosis, and muscular spasm Click the following links for more information: 1.- Introduction 2.- Indications 3.- Contraindications and side effects References Villarejo Kede, M.P.; Serra, A.; Cezimbra, M. 2005. Guia de beleza e juventude para homens e mulheres Hartmann B.R., Bassenge E., Pittler M.: "Effect of carbon dioxide enriched water on the cutaneous microcirculation and oxygen tension in the skin of the foot". Angiology, 48, 957, 1997. Savin E., Bailliart O., Bonnin P., et al.: "Vasomotor effects of transcutaneous CO2 in stage Il peripheral occlusive arterial disease". Angiology, 1995. Sep; 46(9): 785-91. Acedo Scorza, F., Dos Santos Borges, F. 2008. Carboxiterapia: uma revisão. Revista Fisioterapia Ser - Ano 3, nr 4 - out/nov/dez. Carvalho, ACO, Viana, PC, Erazo, P. Carboxiterapia - Nueva Propuesta para Rejuvenecimiento Cutáneo. In Yamaguchi C. I Annual Meeting of Aesthetic Procedures. São Paulo: Santos, 2005: 575-79 Goldman, MP, Bacci, PA, Leibashoff, G, Hexsel, D, Angelini, F. Carboxytherapy. In: Goldman et al. Cellulite - Pathophysiology and Treatment. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2006: 197-208. Worthington, A, Lopez, JC. Carboxiterapia - Utilización do CO2 para fines Estéticos. In: Yamaguchi C. II Annual Meeting of Aesthethic Procedures. São Paulo: Santos, 2006:567-71 Petit, CA. Guide Thermal de Royat 12 eme Ed, 1880-1898, Clermont Ferrand, 1980. Colin, C, Lagneaux, D, Lecomte, J. Local vasodilatating effects of carbon dioxide on cutaneous blood vessels. J Belge Med Phys Rehabil, 1978; 1(4): 326-34. Romeuf, JB. Estude sur L`injection sons cutanee de gaz thermaux de Royat, Clermont Ferrand, Imp Moderne, 15 rue du Port 31, Mars 1940. Apud Goldman et al. Cellulite - Pathophysiology and Treatment. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2006:197-208. Brockow T, Hausner T, Dillner A, Resch KL. Clinical evidence of subcutaneous CO2 insufflations: a systematic review.J Altern Complement Med. 2000 Oct; 6(5):391-403. Ambrosi C, Delanoe G. Therapeutic effect of CO2 injected sub-cutaneously in arteriopathies of the limbs. Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris). 1976 Mar-Apr; 25(2):93-8. Apud In Yamaguchi C. I Annual Meeting of Aesthetic Procedures. São Paulo: Santos, 2005: 575-79 Schnizer, W, Erdl, R, Schops, P, Seichert, N. The effects of external CO2 application on human skin microcirculation investigate by laser Dopplerflowmetry. In J Microcirc Clin Exp., 1995, 4(4): 343-50. Grosshans, A, Et Gensch, H. CO2 gás injection indications and results, Z Gesante. Inn Med. 1987 Dec 1; 42(23): 667-70. Brandi, C, D'Aniello, C, Grimaldi, L, Bosi, B, Dei, I, Lattarulo, P, Alessandrini, C. Carbon Dioxide therapy in the treatment of localized adiposities: clinical study and histopathological correlations, Aesthetic Plast Surg, 2001, May-Jun; 25(3): 170-4. Hartman, B, Bassenge, E, Hartman, M. Effects of serial percutaneous application of carbon dioxide in intermittent claudication: results of a controlled trial. Angiology. 1997. Nov, 48(11): 957-63. Hartmann, B, Drews, B, Kurten, B, Bassenge, E. CO2 induced increase in skin circulation and transcutaneous oxygen partial pressure of the top of the foot in patients with intermittent claudication. Vasa Suppl. 1989: 27: 251-2. Ferreira, JCT, Haddad, MD, Tavares, SAN. Increase in collagen turnover induced by intradermal injection of carbon dioxide in rats. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology: March 1, 2008. 44. Vilos, GA, Vilos, AG. Safe laparoscopic entry guided by Veress needle CO2 insufflation pressure. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc, 2003 Aug; 10(3): 415-20. Luigi, P, Vincenzo, V, Bartoletti, CA. La Carbossiterapia: uma metódica terapêutica in evoluzione. Rivista di Medicina Estética, n 2, anno 1997. Brandi, CD, Aniello, C, Grimaldi, L, Caiazzo, E, Stanghellini, E. Carbon Dioxide Therapy: Effects on skin irregularity and its use as a complement to liposuction. Aesth Plast Sug, 2004. 52. Bellotti, E, Bernardi, M. Utilizzazione della CO2 termale nella pannicolopatia edematofibrosclerotica. Rivista Italiana di Medicina Estética, n2, anno 1992. Francesco, A, Lattarulo, P, Parassoni, L, Curri, SB, Varlaro, V, Guidi, F. Effetti sul microcircolo di differenti dosi di CO2 nella pannicolopatia edemato-fibrosclerotica da stasi ("cellulite"). Rivista Italiana di Medicina Estética n2, anno 1998. Corrêa, MS, Gontijo, EG, Tonani, RL, Reis, ML, Borges, FS. Análise da Eficácia da Carboxiterapia na Redução do Fibro Edema Genóide: Estudo Piloto. Revista Fisioterapia Ser - Ano 3 - No 2 - Abr/Mai/Jun - 2008. Brandi, C, Grimaldi, L, Bosi, B, Dei, L, Malatesta, F, Caiazzo, E. The Role of Carbon dioxide Therapy as a Complement of Liposuction The XVI Congress of ISAPS May 26-29, 2002 Instabul Bibliografia. Brandi, C, Bacci, PA, Lattarulo, B, Bosi, I, Dei, L, Grimaldi, C, D'Aniello. "II trattament chirurgico delle localizzazioni addominal della lipomatose múltipla simmetrica (LSM) integrato dalla carbossiterapia"; Unita Operativa di Chirurgia Plástica e Riconstruttiva, Universita degli Studi di Siena, 48 Congresso Nazionale della Societa di Chirurgia Plástica ed Estética, Gubbia, 25-30, Settembre, 1999. D'Aniello, C, Brandi, C, Lattarulo, P, Bosi, B, Grimaldi, L. Rivista Italiana di chirurgica Plástica "II ruolo della Carbossiterapia nella strategia terapêutica della LMS". Brandi, C, D'Aniello, C, Grimaldi, L, Bosi, B, Del, I, Lattarulo, P, Alessandrini, C. Carbon dioxide therapy in the treatment of localized adiposities: clinical study and histopathological correlations. Aesthetic Plast Surg, 2001 May-Jun; 25(3): 170-4. Schmidt, J, Monnet, P, Normand, B, Fabry, R. Microcirculatory and clinical effects of serial percutaneous application of carbon dioxide in primary and secondary Raynaud´s phenomenon. Vasa. 2005 May; 34(2):93-100. 75. U.Wollina, MD, Heinig, B, Uhlemann, MD. Transdermal CO2 Application in Chronic Wounds. Case Reports. Lower Extremity Wounds 3(2); 2004. Lopez, JC. Carbon Dioxide Therapy. University Hospital of Siena: Italy; 2005. If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
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© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento - Neural therapy, Homeopathy, Ozone therapy, Carboxytherapy, Mesotherapy Avda. Juan Carlos I, nº 29, portal 5, 2ºB -- 29680, Estepona (Málaga)
© 2023 - Centro Medicina Natural y Antienvejecimiento Tel: 952 80 53 68 E-mail:
Medical indications Improve or restore microcirculation function when damaged. Chronic venous insufficiency, chronic veno-lymphatic insufficiency, venous ulcers. Peripheral arteriopathies, microangiopathies, arterial vascular pathologies Improves venous insufficiency and varicose veins an spider veins Psoriasis Skin ulcers, arterial diseases associated with diabetes, gangrenous toes, and artherosclerosis obliterans, Raynauds syndrome Erectile dysfunction due to vascular disorders Rheumatism (acute or chronic). Pain due to acute arthritis and sports medicine, arthrosis, and muscular spasm Click the following links for more information: 1.- Introduction 2.- Indications 3.- Contraindications and side effects References Villarejo Kede, M.P.; Serra, A.; Cezimbra, M. 2005. Guia de beleza e juventude para homens e mulheres Hartmann B.R., Bassenge E., Pittler M.: "Effect of carbon dioxide enriched water on the cutaneous microcirculation and oxygen tension in the skin of the foot". Angiology, 48, 957, 1997. Savin E., Bailliart O., Bonnin P., et al.: "Vasomotor effects of transcutaneous CO2 in stage Il peripheral occlusive arterial disease". Angiology, 1995. Sep; 46(9): 785-91. Acedo Scorza, F., Dos Santos Borges, F. 2008. Carboxiterapia: uma revisão. Revista Fisioterapia Ser - Ano 3, nr 4 - out/nov/dez. Carvalho, ACO, Viana, PC, Erazo, P. Carboxiterapia - Nueva Propuesta para Rejuvenecimiento Cutáneo. In Yamaguchi C. I Annual Meeting of Aesthetic Procedures. São Paulo: Santos, 2005: 575-79 Goldman, MP, Bacci, PA, Leibashoff, G, Hexsel, D, Angelini, F. Carboxytherapy. In: Goldman et al. Cellulite - Pathophysiology and Treatment. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2006: 197-208. Worthington, A, Lopez, JC. Carboxiterapia - Utilización do CO2 para fines Estéticos. In: Yamaguchi C. II Annual Meeting of Aesthethic Procedures. São Paulo: Santos, 2006:567-71 Petit, CA. Guide Thermal de Royat 12 eme Ed, 1880-1898, Clermont Ferrand, 1980. Colin, C, Lagneaux, D, Lecomte, J. Local vasodilatating effects of carbon dioxide on cutaneous blood vessels. J Belge Med Phys Rehabil, 1978; 1(4): 326-34. Romeuf, JB. Estude sur L`injection sons cutanee de gaz thermaux de Royat, Clermont Ferrand, Imp Moderne, 15 rue du Port 31, Mars 1940. Apud Goldman et al. Cellulite - Pathophysiology and Treatment. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2006:197-208. Brockow T, Hausner T, Dillner A, Resch KL. Clinical evidence of subcutaneous CO2 insufflations: a systematic review.J Altern Complement Med. 2000 Oct; 6(5):391-403. Ambrosi C, Delanoe G. Therapeutic effect of CO2 injected sub-cutaneously in arteriopathies of the limbs. Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris). 1976 Mar-Apr; 25(2):93-8. Apud In Yamaguchi C. I Annual Meeting of Aesthetic Procedures. São Paulo: Santos, 2005: 575-79 Schnizer, W, Erdl, R, Schops, P, Seichert, N. The effects of external CO2 application on human skin microcirculation investigate by laser Dopplerflowmetry. In J Microcirc Clin Exp., 1995, 4(4): 343-50. Grosshans, A, Et Gensch, H. CO2 gás injection indications and results, Z Gesante. Inn Med. 1987 Dec 1; 42(23): 667-70. Brandi, C, D'Aniello, C, Grimaldi, L, Bosi, B, Dei, I, Lattarulo, P, Alessandrini, C. Carbon Dioxide therapy in the treatment of localized adiposities: clinical study and histopathological correlations, Aesthetic Plast Surg, 2001, May-Jun; 25(3): 170-4. Hartman, B, Bassenge, E, Hartman, M. Effects of serial percutaneous application of carbon dioxide in intermittent claudication: results of a controlled trial. Angiology. 1997. Nov, 48(11): 957-63. Hartmann, B, Drews, B, Kurten, B, Bassenge, E. CO2 induced increase in skin circulation and transcutaneous oxygen partial pressure of the top of the foot in patients with intermittent claudication. Vasa Suppl. 1989: 27: 251-2. Ferreira, JCT, Haddad, MD, Tavares, SAN. Increase in collagen turnover induced by intradermal injection of carbon dioxide in rats. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology: March 1, 2008. 44. Vilos, GA, Vilos, AG. Safe laparoscopic entry guided by Veress needle CO2 insufflation pressure. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc, 2003 Aug; 10(3): 415-20. Luigi, P, Vincenzo, V, Bartoletti, CA. La Carbossiterapia: uma metódica terapêutica in evoluzione. Rivista di Medicina Estética, n 2, anno 1997. Brandi, CD, Aniello, C, Grimaldi, L, Caiazzo, E, Stanghellini, E. Carbon Dioxide Therapy: Effects on skin irregularity and its use as a complement to liposuction. Aesth Plast Sug, 2004. 52. Bellotti, E, Bernardi, M. Utilizzazione della CO2 termale nella pannicolopatia edematofibrosclerotica. Rivista Italiana di Medicina Estética, n2, anno 1992. Francesco, A, Lattarulo, P, Parassoni, L, Curri, SB, Varlaro, V, Guidi, F. Effetti sul microcircolo di differenti dosi di CO2 nella pannicolopatia edemato-fibrosclerotica da stasi ("cellulite"). Rivista Italiana di Medicina Estética n2, anno 1998. Corrêa, MS, Gontijo, EG, Tonani, RL, Reis, ML, Borges, FS. Análise da Eficácia da Carboxiterapia na Redução do Fibro Edema Genóide: Estudo Piloto. Revista Fisioterapia Ser - Ano 3 - No 2 - Abr/Mai/Jun - 2008. Brandi, C, Grimaldi, L, Bosi, B, Dei, L, Malatesta, F, Caiazzo, E. The Role of Carbon dioxide Therapy as a Complement of Liposuction The XVI Congress of ISAPS May 26-29, 2002 Instabul Bibliografia. Brandi, C, Bacci, PA, Lattarulo, B, Bosi, I, Dei, L, Grimaldi, C, D'Aniello. "II trattament chirurgico delle localizzazioni addominal della lipomatose múltipla simmetrica (LSM) integrato dalla carbossiterapia"; Unita Operativa di Chirurgia Plástica e Riconstruttiva, Universita degli Studi di Siena, 48 Congresso Nazionale della Societa di Chirurgia Plástica ed Estética, Gubbia, 25-30, Settembre, 1999. D'Aniello, C, Brandi, C, Lattarulo, P, Bosi, B, Grimaldi, L. Rivista Italiana di chirurgica Plástica "II ruolo della Carbossiterapia nella strategia terapêutica della LMS". Brandi, C, D'Aniello, C, Grimaldi, L, Bosi, B, Del, I, Lattarulo, P, Alessandrini, C. Carbon dioxide therapy in the treatment of localized adiposities: clinical study and histopathological correlations. Aesthetic Plast Surg, 2001 May-Jun; 25(3): 170-4. Schmidt, J, Monnet, P, Normand, B, Fabry, R. Microcirculatory and clinical effects of serial percutaneous application of carbon dioxide in primary and secondary Raynaud´s phenomenon. Vasa. 2005 May; 34(2):93-100. 75. U.Wollina, MD, Heinig, B, Uhlemann, MD. Transdermal CO2 Application in Chronic Wounds. Case Reports. Lower Extremity Wounds 3(2); 2004. Lopez, JC. Carbon Dioxide Therapy. University Hospital of Siena: Italy; 2005. If you would like additional information regarding our services or to request an appointment, you can contact us by phone (952 80 53 68) or by email .
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